Friday, November 30, 2007


...He doesn't do enough of it! Since the day he was born, Brogan has needed a ridiculously small amount of sleep to function. Unless there are some sort of special circumstances (and I am still not quite sure what those are) Brogan never goes to sleep before 10 and doesn't sleep through the night. Unless he is in bed with me. I can put him back in his bed multiple times and he just keeps waking up and coming into my bed. However, if for instance we are out at Jerry's parents and he knows I am in the room with him he won't wake up once. He takes the term "mama's boy" to a whole 'nother level. Apparently if I am not here, he doesn't wake up and wander into my room. I have considered having someone else put him to bed every night, giving him the illusion I am not going to be there that night, but there is no one around to do that. And I'm certainly not going to hire a baby sitter every night to do it. Actually, I would. But I can't see Jerry paying for that.

1 comment:

Jenie said...

Not fun, thank goodness you have a big bed!