The most ... disturbing use of his vocabulary came the other day as he was rub a dubbing away in my shower (there's a reason I like to shower at the gym - I get to shower without interruption!) when he grabbed one of the cups he likes to play with in there, peed in it, starred it down then exclaimed, "Piston (or maybe pissed in) cup!" Since I didn't think he understood the joke on CARS when Mater says, "He did what in his cup?" ... I am left wondering what did he mean? Hmmm, curious.
He loves imitating those around him also. Since I am around him the most that generally means he is imitating ME. This evening we were getting ready to go to a "Sweetheart Dance" at Rhiannon's school put on by the spectacular PTA. I had blow dried my hair and was straightening it after our shower. I glanced over as I was doing the last "flippies" to the end of my hair to see him trying to figure out how to turn on the blow drier. I figured it couldn't hurt ...