After the little identity crisis we had with the Statue of Liberty I thought I may want to brush Brogan up on a few of the nation (that nation being the U S of A of course...) monuments. He has issues saying random words, none of them make any sense after he's butchered them. This little problem came about when I showed him a picture of the Washington Monument. No matter how slowly I said the name it came back at me as this, "Specialton Mylint". Your who does what?
As of today, these are the words I know Brogan can read ... dad, bad, fad, had, lad, mad, pad, sad, glad, all numbers up to 10, various colors, Brogan, mom, Rhiannon, dog
He also uses sign language when spelling his colors and numbers and insists I do the same.
Words I can spell out loud and he recognize: Yellow, blue, red, brown, Brogan, one, two, three
This afternoon as Ms. Kimberly was walking Brogan to his pre-k class they passed a picture of the Statue of Liberty. Out of curiosity she asked him who that was. His response? "Jesus." HAHAHAHHAA ooooh my. Too funny.
... this is what he asked me to do this morning. Seriously. He's four. No triangles for my boy. Oh no. Hexagons, Octagons, Pentagons and ... Trapezoids. My answer of course was, "What do you say, Brogan?" "Draw me a trapezoid please mom." Then all I had to do was look up WHAT the shape he was talking about looked like. I thought it was a angled rectangle. Apparently not.